г. Сургут, ул. Югорская, 15
ул. Бажова, 19





Интервью с директором школы

Интервью с директором школы

Интервью студентов программы «журналистика на английском языке» с директором Макс Скул Лоскутниковой Галиной Александровной.

When did you decide to connect your life with foreign languages?

In fact, it was in my childhood. My friends and I liked playing role game, as if we were at school, we were teachers and pupils, we liked writing on the blackboard with chalks, we liked checking notebooks as real teachers. I started studying German when I was in the 5th form. German lessons were very interesting, our teacher tried to motivate us, she made different cards for the lessons, she also had an interesting character – reporter Shribicus, he helped us to study German with fun. For me, she was a good example to follow.

Why did you choose languages? Do you think that people should have talent to learn a foreign language?

In fact, there was a moment, when teaching was so qualified and interesting, and foreign languages were something new in comparison with other subjects. We liked it so much, and I decided to follow my class teacher and to start learning teaching foreign languages. Speaking about a talent, I think no, you don’t need any talent, you have to be hardworking. And we also tell you, that you have to learn languages, languages cannot be understood. So, if you have good memory, as I do, you’re able to learn any language, and foreign language can become your favorite subject. And I’m sure that memory can’t be bad, you have to develop it, regularly. And you have to learn, learn a lot.

What would you do if you didn’t open this private school?

I think I would go to public school, and I think I would have been your school teacher.

How long does the school exist?

            The school has been existing for 16 years already, the school is going to be 17 soon. At the same time, more than a hundred of our high school students graduated. And now many of them have moved to another towns and they even have already opened their own private schools there. So work hard, learn more.

What is your biggest achievement?

My biggest achievement is when your eyes light up, is when you attend lessons with pleasure, when you have a strong desire to study hard. This is definitely my biggest achievement. And also your high results, when your parents come to me and tell about your achievements in learning languages, that now you work better, you understand everything, especially when you had a three, and now you have a five in foreign language. But that is not a point really, the thing is that you love foreign languages, that you have high results and great desire to study hard.

Интервью подготовлено: Бабкин М., Дудникова А., Жернакова А., Коваленко Э., Левченко Е., Науменко В., Потёмкин В., Рудова Е., Сабиров Б., Шабанов И., Чумарова З.

Преподаватель: Антонова К.Ф.

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